Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis uses American Psychological Association (APA) 6.0 th ed for citations, footnotes and reference list. Manuscripts should be prepared according to APA, 6th ed., except for the additional requirement of numbering the sections, as described below.

Ekonomik Teori Ve Analiz Dergisi yayımladığı makalelerde, referans sistemi, dipnot gösterme biçimi ve Reference List & Notes düzenlenmesi için American Psychological Association (APA) 6.0 stilini kullanmaktadır. Bu nedenle dergiye gönderilen çalışmalar APA 6.0 stiline göre hazırlanmalıdır.
This is a sample of the format A4-sized pages (21 x 29 cm) pages with left, right, top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm. Use 12 pt size Times New Roman with 1,5 space. The first line of each paragraph should be indented 1.25cm. The title of the paper should be written to header on the left side of the paper and the page number should be written to right header.
Manuscript should be structured as; title of the paper, abstract, key words, JEL codes, introduction, methodology, results, acknowledge, reference, appendix.
It is the first page of the manuscript. Title should not be exceed 12 words and never contain abbreviations. Title should be written centered and first letter of the words capitalized. In the below the name of the authors should be written without academic title. The affiliation of the authors should be written as a footnote left-aligned. The footnote contains institution of author, funding of study if it is supported by project and e-mail address for communication.
The abstract should not exceed 200 words. Manuscripts in Turkish should have both Turkish and English abstract with English title. Abstract should contains aim of the paper, methodology, findings and results. The first page of the manuscript should consist of Turkish-English title, abstract, at most five at least three key words and JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) codes. Key words and JEL codes should be written italic and indented 1.25cm.
Equations should be written right aligned and consecutively ordered. Equations should be written by Ms Office and equation. Do not use images as an equations.
Tables and figures should be in their actual positions in the paper, not placed at the end or on separate pages. Table should be numbered consecutively and the title of table placed under the name of the table. Notes should be written end of the table and centered.

Tablo 1
Unemployment in 2011-2015

Years                              Unemployment(%)
2011                                9.1
2012                                8.4
2013                                9
2014                                9.9
2015                                10.3

Notes. Source is TURKSTAT.

Figures should be numbered consecutively and the title of figure placed under the figure and justified. the table. Notes should be written after title of the figure.
Figure 1. Unemployment rate and non-agricultural unemployment rate the term of 2005-2016. Adopted by TCMB The Main Economic Developments Report

1st level Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Headings
2nd level Left-aligned, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading
3th level Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period.
4th level Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period.
5th level Indented, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period

Atıflar ve Reference List & Notes aşağıdaki örneklere göre hazırlanmalıdır.
Books and eBooks

Material Type In-Text Citation Reference List & Notes
Book: Single author (Eichengreen, 1998) Eichengreen, B. J. (1998). Globalizing capital: a history of the international monetary system. Princeton University Press.
Book: Two authors (Snowdon & Vane, 2005) Snowdon, B., & Vane, H. R. (2005). Modern macroeconomics: Its origins, development and current state. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Book: 3-5 authors First citation: (Krugman, Obstfeld, & Melitz, 2012)Subsequent citations: (Krugman et al.,2012) Krugman, P. R., Obstfeld, M., & Melitz, M. J. (2012). International economics: Theory & policy. Boston: Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Book: Different editions (Frank & Bernanke, 2004) Frank, R. H., & Bernanke, B. (2004). Principles of economics (5th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Book: Editor (Granger, 1991) Granger, C. W. (Ed.). (1991). Modelling economic series: Readings in econometric methodology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Book: Organisation as author (U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1993) U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (1993). Labor composition and U.S. productivity growth, 1948-90. Washington, DC: Author.
Book: Chapter [ie. article] in edited book (Bai & Kao, 2006) Bai, J., & Kao, C. (2006). On the Estimation and Inference of a Panel Cointegration Model with Cross-Sectional Dependence. In B. H. Baltagi (Eds.), Panel Data Econometrics - Theoretical Contributions and Empirical Applications Contributions to Economic Analysis(pp. 3-30). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
eBook: Entire book (Baltagi, 2009) Baltagi, B. H. (2009). Econometric analysis of panel data.Retrieved from Wiley.
eBook: Chapter (Bai & Kao, 2006) Bai, J., & Kao, C. (2006). On the Estimation and Inference of a Panel Cointegration Model with Cross-Sectional Dependence. In B. H. Baltagi (Eds.), Panel Data Econometrics - Theoretical Contributions and Empirical Applications Contributions to Economic Analysis(pp. 3-30). Retrieved from Elsevier.

Journal Articles

Material Type In-Text Citation Reference List & Notes
Journal article online: Digital Object Identifier supplied (Bernanke, 2013) Bernanke, B. S. (2013). A Century of US Central Banking: Goals, Frameworks, Accountability. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27(4), 3-16. doi:10.1257/jep.27.4.3
Journal article online: Digital Object Identifier supplied, 2 authors (Esteve & Tamarit, 2012) Esteve, V., & Tamarit, C. (2012). Threshold cointegration and nonlinear adjustment between CO2 and income: The Environmental Kuznets Curve in Spain, 1857–2007. Energy Economics, 34(6), 2148-2156. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2012.03.001
Journal article online: Digital Object Identifier supplied, 3 authors (Song, Zheng, & Tong, 2008) Song, T., Zheng, T., & Tong, L. (2008). An empirical test of the environmental Kuznets curve in China: A panel cointegration approach. China Economic Review, 19(3), 381-392. doi:10.1016/j.chieco.2007.10.001
Journal article online: No DOI supplied (Saks, 2008) Saks, R. E. (2008). Job creation and housing construction: Constraints on metropolitan area employment growth. Journal of Urban Economics, 64(1), 178-195.Retrieved from ScienceDirect.
Journal article online: No DOI supplied (freely available on the Web) (Case & Shiller, 2003) Case, K. E., & Shiller, R. J. (2003). Is There a Bubble in the Housing Market. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, (2).Retrieved from
Journal article submitted for publication (Murphy & Ackermann, 2013). Murphy, R.O., & Ackermann, K.A. (2013). Explaining behavior in public goods games: How preferences and beliefs affect contribution levels. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Conference Proceedings

Material Type In-Text Citation Reference List & Notes
Paper in conference proceedings in print (Aksoy & Uğurlu, 2013) Aksoy, E. E., & Uğurlu, E. (2013). The effects of the 2007-2008 financial crisis on Turkish firms. 10th EBES Conference (pp. 233-241). Istanbul: EBES Publications.
Paper in conference proceedings online: Electronic database (Uğurlu, 2014) Uğurlu, E. (2014, October). The Impact of Urbanization on CO2 Emissions in Transition Countries. Paper Presented at the NYSEA 67th Annual Meeting. Retrieved from
Conference papers: Unpublished (Şenesen, 1986) Şenesen, Ü. (1986). A macroeconometric model for the Turkish economy. Paper Presented at the World Conference of Applied Econometric Association, Istanbul, Turkey, 01 May 1986.


Material Type In-Text Citation Reference List & Notes
Government reports (Republic of Turkey. Ministry of Development, 2016) Republic of Turkey. Ministry of Development. (2016). Medium Term Program (2017-2019) Main Macroeconomic and Fiscal Targets. Retrieved from
Non-government reports (Uysal, 2013) Uysal, Y. (2013). 2012 Yılında Türkiye Ekonomisi ve 2013 Yılından Beklentiler. Retrieved from


Material Type In-Text Citation Reference List & Notes
Thesis in print: Unpublished (Ugurlu, 2006) Ugurlu, E. (2006). Real exchange rate and economic growth: Turkey (Unpublished master’s thesis). Istanbul Technical University.
Thesis online: Electronic database (Ugurlu, 2011) Ugurlu, E. (2011). Investigating Turkish energy market by multivariate linear regression analysis (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from YOK – Turkey. (298269)

Web Sources

Material Type In-Text Citation Reference List & Notes
Web page (The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey, 2016) The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey. (2016). Fiscal Monitoring. Retrieved from Retrieved from

Tables & Figures

Material Type In-Text Citation Reference List & Notes
All or part of a table, figure, or data used in text: From a print journal Table 4. Uyarlandığı yer “Foreign direct investment, investment agreements and economic development: Myths and realities,” by Y. Akyuz, 2015, Ekonomi-tek International Economics Journal, 4(1), 1-47. Copyright 2015 by Ekonomi-tek International Economics Journal Adapted with permission. Akyuz, Y. (2015). Foreign direct investment, investment agreements and economic development: Myths and realities. Ekonomi-tek International Economics Journal, 4(1), 1-47.
All or part of a table, figure, or data used in text: From a book Figure 8.1. Uyarlandığı yer Longitudinal and panel data: Analysis and applications in the social sciences, p. 305, by E. W. Frees, 2004, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Copyright 2004 by Cambridge University Press. Reprinted with a permission. Frees, E. W. (2004). Longitudinal and panel data: Analysis and applications in the social sciences. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
All or part of a table, figure, or data used in text: From the Web. Note. The data in column # are from External Debt : Use of IMF credit (Million $), Turkey, Oct 2016, Turkish Statistical Institute. Copyright 2016 by TUIK. Reprinted with permission. Turkish Statistical Institute. (2016). External Debt : Use of IMF credit (Million $) Turkey, October 2016, Retrieved from

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